Syd's personal tales delight a world-wide audience. These warm, humorous, and touching stories encompass Syd's life, lived mostly in the Chicago area. The tales, ranging from four to twenty minutes long, can be mixed and matched with pieces from the rest of Syd's repertoire. Here are some of Syd's favorite personal stories:

A Winner
A nine-year-old plays the games of chance at Riverview.
Some Enchanted Wednesday
An eleven-year-old struggles to get his heroes' autographs and a happy ending.
The Italian Tee-Shirt
Syd aspires to be a tough guy, Italian-style.
The Old Man
Syd takes a loving look at his grandfather.
The Englewood Game
A high-school football career is summarized in the headline "Tiny Lieberman Proves Giant."
A Harvard Man
As a Harvard freshman, Syd yearns to be sophisticated.
Harvard Man Redux
As a sophomore, he learns the meaning of the word sophomoric.
The Irregulars
Syd recalls his most unusual high school class.
The Lieberman Children's Symphony
Introducing his young children to classical music proves to be a challenge.
Zach's childhood gives Syd plenty to write about.
The good child, Sarah, turns eleven and finally gets her own story.
Zen and the Art of Storytelling
Ever wonder what it's like to be a storyteller?
To Everything There Is a Season
Syd ponders fatherhood as he watches his children grow into tender, caring adults.
My Mother's Love Life
A loving woman tells her son (almost) all.
His gambler father left Syd with a legacy of good stories.
Adrienne's debut story identifies the main conflict in their long, happy marriage.
The Day the Nazis Came
The Nazis planned to speak a mile from Syd's house.
Hospital Night from Hell
The title says it all.
I'm Sean Connery
A middle-aged Syd finds a new role model.